Twitter Joints and Project Goods

Bradley Momberger's project notes, & other software stuff that's interesting.

Early 2016 Update

I thought I’d just write a brief post to talk about some cool things that made their way through my production pipeline in the last few months. I wrote about the relaunch of my website in a post more than a year ago and Twitter Lib for Google Apps Script not long after. Then there hasn’t been much. I have lots of half-finished drafts in my Drafts folder that ran out of steam and kind of lost the original point (editing is hard), but I hope to get the majority of those out to you in the near future. In the meantime, here’s the things I’ve put together since I moved out of San Francisco.

Twitter Bots

Other projects

What next?

I have a few things brewing right now. In addition to Twitter lib version 22, I’m laying the foundation for a “starter pack” to make it easier to get started with service workers in Web apps. My Twitter bot ideas sheet is looking a bit derivative at the moment, but I have maybe a few half-formed ideas that can be added there too.

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